Our Fun Easter Egg Hunt Idea

When I became a parent, there were two traditions that I knew I wanted to carry on from my childhood: our Christmas tradition (more on that another time) and our fun Easter egg hunt tradition which is absolutely suitable for kids of all ages. It makes the day a whole lot more interesting than just getting a load of chocolate in the morning and there’s the added bonus of it being educational too!

Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Our Fun Easter Egg Hunt Idea

When it comes to the day itself, our approach is that the Easter Bunny brings just a few small (egg-sized!) eggs in the morning. The rest of the chocolate, which must be earned during the Easter Egg Hunt, is very much from us or from family and friends. On Easter Sunday, we’ll get up, have a bit of breakfast and then I’ll send him out with his Dad for a spot of exercise while I get everything set up (having prepared the clues the day before).

Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

The basic concept is that the child collects eggs (or small chocolates in our case!) challenge associated with it – and your child/children have to solve the clue before they find out where the egg is. For Oliver, who was a few months shy of four years old at the time of writing, we used a very simple hunt with a bag full of clues/challenges which he could pick from at random. Then at the end he had a grand finale to get his proper Easter Egg! The hunt lasted just short of an hour and a half so it was a really good morning’s activity with minimal effort.

Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

For his age range, most of the clues had a letter of the alphabet on (just written by hand for ease), for each of which he had to come up with two words that started with that letter. Others had patterns that he had to continue, basic maths questions to answer or physical challenges to complete. Once he’d completed the challenge, he could unfold the paper to see a (sometimes cryptic) photograph of where to find the egg. At that age range, I’d probably recommend no more than 25 clues. We had about 30 and he was losing interest a bit towards the end as he just wanted to sit and eat his chocolate!

To progress this concept to older children, I recommend planning out a hunt where each of the clues leads them to the next clue – along with another egg of course! The questions and challenges can easily be adjusted based on their current abilities, interests or school topics. You can be as creative as you want! You can also have two different tiers of clues for siblings and encourage them to work together.

Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Here are some random ideas for various age ranges that you could incorporate:

  • Create a Lego house/animal/vehicle
  • Run or cycle around the block twice, beating their record from the first
  • Complete some basic coding
  • Recognise elements from the periodic table
  • Collect letters of the alphabet, that when put together fit into a puzzle or create a word
  • Use the climbing frame using only certain coloured rungs
  • Create a webpage from scratch that teaches me all about XYZ
  • Use colours and ask your child to go get something in that colour
  • Scavenger hunt clues like having to find something red, that begins with B or can be used in your hair
  • Complete a computer game level without losing a life
Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

I hope you’ve enjoyed this fun Easter Egg hunt idea. Head on over to Facebook and give me a follow for more great family content.



Fantastic experience! I took my family for a shoot with Katie & she was amazing from start to finish. My toddler was a terror and my daughter a diva but some how she worked her magic and we have beautiful digital photos, prints and a lovely big frame for the wall. We had a lovely viewing where we were able to select the photos we wanted, we couldn’t possibly chose from them so we bought them all! 🙂 She made us all feel very welcome and my children and even my husband enjoyed the experience. Highly recommend! I will be back for more photos as my family grow. Thank you Katie
