“That’s Her Bum!”: Facing the Unexpected in Labour

Every birth story is as unique as the baby it brings into the world and this series of blog posts is all about celebrating that – as well as the amazing mums who’ve kindly offered to share their personal experiences. From the anticipation of labour to the first cry of their new baby, these stories capture the raw, beautiful, and sometimes unexpected moments of childbirth. I hope they give you insight, encouragement and even a few smiles along the way!

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little about your family?

Hi I’m Rachel, wife to Ian and mum to Darla and Martha. I live in a world of glitter with my two little princesses and we love to create and craft. I also love shopping and looking for a bargain!

A mum with her two princesses - little girls dressed as Anna and Elsa from Frozen.

This sounds dreamy! How did you feel when you found out you were expecting second time around?

I was excited for Darla to have a little brother or sister.

A portrait of a little girl with blonde shoulder length hair.

And what were some of the most memorable moments during your pregnancy?

It’s such a blur now. But I remember finding out that we were having our second girl. I was really nervous that I would be disappointed if we had another girl. I grew up with a brother and I just always expected to have a girl and a boy. But as soon as they said “it’s a girl!” I was very excited and couldn’t wait to meet her.

Ahhh! Did you have any specific cravings or aversions?

I suffer terribly with sickness during pregnancy. I live off potatoes in any form, favourite meal was mash, peas and gravy! I also could only stomach fizzy drinks in the beginning and cola.

Ha give me potatoes any day! How did you prepare for your new arrival?

I must admit, I wasn’t as prepared as I was for my eldest. I did do an online baby course through The Bump to Baby Chapter, which I should’ve probably have done the first time! My goal was to finish work before going into labour; my first pregnancy I gave birth on what should’ve been my last day in work. This time, I wasn’t yet on mat leave, but I was on my day off!

What was it like from the moment you went into labour to the moment you met your baby?

It took me a while to realise I was in labour. I had walked a few miles in the morning trying to find a whoopie cushion for my eldest (it was 3 days before Christmas) and all my family said something’s happening because I’d had a sudden rush of energy. I got home and had a chilled afternoon with my eldest and we painted our nails. Then around 4pm I realised I was having pains and let my husband know as he was at work.

I called my parents around 6pm and said I think you need to come over, but no need to rush. It was really chilled, but that soon changed with her very speedy arrival! When my parents arrived I telephone Stroud and the call lasted less than three minutes, during which I had two contractions. The midwife said “I think you need to come in.”

We arrived at Stroud and as Covid was still a thing then, I remember trying to put a face mask on whilst having a contraction. I was relieved when they said I didn’t need to wear one! We got into the room, and I noticed the pool was already full ready for me and thinking “oh blimey” they must think I’m in labour! My husband boiled the kettle for a cup of tea…he didn’t even have chance to drink it before she arrived!

The midwife said “I can see her head! Oh no wait, that’s her bum.”

My waters went pretty much immediately upon our arrival and I freaked out about my trainers and demanded Ian took them off – I didn’t want them ruined! The midwife said that was a reaction she’d never heard before! The next contraction was horrendous, I hadn’t yet had any pain relief and I fell to pieces. It was happening too quickly and I was scared. I became even more scared when the midwife said “I can see her head! Oh no wait, that’s her bum.” I was having an undiagnosed breech birth!

My midwife said that I needed to listen to her and do everything she was saying. I was terrified and I remember thinking, if I don’t do what this woman tells me, I’m going to die. It seems dramatic typing it, but in that moment I knew if I listened it would be ok. Three minutes after my first push, Martha was born, 20 minutes after we had arrived.


A photo of a baby in a babygro in a moses basket.

I have tiny babies and she was 5lbs10oz. She was also 18 days early, which was exactly the same as my eldest. We had a joke about that being my body’s eviction date!

I was my midwife’s first breech delivery and she explained after that as they are a midwife only unit, they practice these deliveries and the drills often. I was very grateful of that and how she remained calm and guided me through the birth.

Wow, that sounds really intense! Did you have a birth plan and did your birth look anything like it?

My plan was just to go to Stroud again, which I did. I would have liked a water birth again but it wasn’t possible due to the speed she arrived. I did have a nice bath after though.

What emotions did you experience when you first held your baby?

Simply relief that we were ok.

How would you say your healthcare team contributed to your birth experience?

The team at Stroud were exceptional, as they were for my eldest too. 

They sound it! Was there anything from your birth experience that made you feel particularly proud or empowered?

It took me a while to see it, but having a breech baby unexpected is a pretty big deal!

Absolutely! Do you have any advice for expectant parents reading this?

Don’t get bogged down in the details and everyone else’s opinion.

And what about tips for coping with labour and delivery?

I used a comb and squeezed it every contraction.

A baby grabbing at their dress and making a really cheeky face!

Nice! How did it feel to bring your baby home for the first time?

I came home four hours after delivery because it was three days before Christmas and I had things to do! I was also extremely excited to have her sister wake up and see who had arrived overnight.

What an amazing Christmas present! Looking back, is there anything that you’d do differently?

Maybe try and get to the hospital sooner!

Ha ha. How would you say becoming a parent changed you, and what do you cherish most about this new chapter in your life?

Having two little mini mes to share new experiences with. You rediscover the world when you have children. I see things through their eyes and it makes me see the things I used to take for granted.

Two happy sisters dressed as Anna and Elsa from Frozen laughing with their mummy.

Absolutely – they remind you that there’s so much fun to be had in life, don’t they! Can I ask, what made you decide to book a photoshoot for your new baby?

I wanted a photo of Martha at the same age as Darla.

A smiling baby in a light coloured dress sat in an emerald green adult sized chair.

Oh yes – the chair photo! I get lots of clients asking to recreate old photos. It’s such a cute thing to do! Is there anything that stood out to you during your photoshoots with me?

Yes, you’re always happy and smiley.

Awww this is nice to hear. What do your photos mean to you now?

I love looking at them and reminding me how little she was.

What would you say to other parents considering booking a photoshoot for their new baby?

Do it, do it, do it!

Thank you Rachel!

And to you, the reader: your birth story is uniquely yours and deserves to be celebrated. If you’re ready to document this special chapter in your life, I’d love to help you create some stunning photographs to capture your journey. Book your maternity, newborn or family photoshoot today, and let’s turn your story into timeless memories.

A burgundy Pinterest pin titled 'Facing the Unexpected: Real birth stories from my amazing clients' with a baby looking up at the camera.



Fantastic experience! I took my family for a shoot with Katie & she was amazing from start to finish. My toddler was a terror and my daughter a diva but some how she worked her magic and we have beautiful digital photos, prints and a lovely big frame for the wall. We had a lovely viewing where we were able to select the photos we wanted, we couldn’t possibly chose from them so we bought them all! 🙂 She made us all feel very welcome and my children and even my husband enjoyed the experience. Highly recommend! I will be back for more photos as my family grow. Thank you Katie
